Megan + Russ

Inland of south Georgian Bay is a hideaway known as Walters Falls. If you enjoy getting lost in the numerous winding dirt roads of Grey-Bruce county you may very well have crossed this unassuming place. 

On a particularly mild November day, I arrived in Walters Falls Inn to spend the day with Megan and Russ to document their espousal. Basically one of the family already, introductions were spared in favour of pleasantries and a brief catch-up before my work began. Staying out of the way to allow moments to form organically, I wait until the ideal moment to spring into action and capture a perfectly candid laugh from one of the bridesmaids. Returning to my spot out of the way, searching for good light and interesting moments to capture. I repeat this process several times throughout the day. Rinse. Wash. Repeat.

I steal the bride and groom after the family photos to chase light with me in the forest, barely capturing these shots in a 3 minute window. These images feign warmth from the sun, yet another illusion from the camera. Not pictured, thermometer (-15°C) reminding us that it is November after all. November sunsets are a rare beast and should not go undocumented.

Later in the night, we return to the bristling cold to make some nighttime photos, Megan's suggestion. Couples genuinely interested in making beautiful images make me ecstatic.

Beautiful day with Megan + Russ.